Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Food Tidings

Speaking of food, I am excited to share this next idea.  You know how nice it is to bring a casserole to someone who needs it?  Kind of like a casserole dish of love.  Well, Food Tidings makes it easy.  My sister emailed me the link.  It is a genius idea, and a great name.  Have you heard of it?  Basically, Food Tidings exists to simplify the process of organizing meals for friends or family members in a transitional time of life. Lissa sent it to me because she knows that we try to bring food to friends with new babies.  Food Tidings is perfect for that, or for a friend who is grieving, just had surgery, or is going through another important life event where meal planning and preparation might take a backseat.

The website helps you arrange a schedule, organize friends and family to plan drop-offs, and allows you to enter the pertinent details: Family food preferences, allergies, number of kids and adults, and other special instructions (like "please don't ring the doorbell because a baby might be sleeping")... Once the event is scheduled, anyone can log in at any time to sign up for an open slot.

Isn't this a wonderful idea?  I think so.  I only wish the site itself had more style... I find the name and idea outstanding, but the site itself feels a little... well, stale and kitschy.  All that to say, I still anticipate using it pretty regularly from here on out.

photo via weheartit

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